jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018


Look at the following sentences, decide if we can only use “used to” or if “would” is also possible.
1.       When I lived in Japan I would/used to eat sushi every day.
2.       When I was at school we used to/would play hopscotch in the playground.
3.       When I was a kid I didn’t use to/wouldn’t like olives.
4.       My dad used to/would have a big green land rover.
5.       He used to/would drive it through the forest on bumpy tracks.
6.       When I was a teenager I used to/would love heavy metal music, now it’s too loud for me.

Complete the sentences using will, would, used to or didn't use to
If there are free tickets on offer, Susan be the first in the queue.
I love visiting my grandparents. They always gave me sweets.
My cousins always visit us at Christmas.
When I went to primary school I often stop into the corner sweet shop on my way home.
I like football at school because I wasn't very good at it.
Nothing's been done yet, has it?
My big brother loves school and he always ask for more homework on Fridays.

Go to this link and do the exercise:

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