lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017


Write an essay with the title: "Caring for the elderly"

Include in your essay:
  • Current situation
  • Causes
  • Predict future consequences
Number of words: 200-220 words

miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017


Second and Third Conditionals

Compare these examples:
Second: If you planned things properly, you wouldn’t get into a mess (You don’t plan)
Third: If you had planned things properly, you wouldn’t have got into a mess (You didn’t plan)

We can make the so-called mixed conditionals. We can do it leaving the if part as a third conditional and the other as a second one:
If you had planned things at the start, we wouldn’t be in this mess now
If you hadn’t left all these dirty dishes, the place would look nicer

And also making the if part as a second conditional and the other as a third one:
If Matthew was more sensible, he would have worn a suit to the interview
If I didn’t have all this work to do, I would have gone out for the day

EXERCISE: Complete the exercise.

MIKE: You look tired
MARY: Well, if you _______________ (you/not/wake/) me up in the middle of the night, now _________________ (I/not be/) so tired

RITA: Is Trevor a practical person?
LAURA: Trevor? He isn’t. If _____________(he/be/practical),
_______________________(he/put) those shelves up a bit quicker. It took him ages.

TOM: Why are you sitting in the dark?
DAVID: Let’s just say that if _____________(I/pay) my electricity bill last month, ___________________(I/not/be) in the dark now

MATT: Why are you so angry with me? All I did yesterday was play basketball
EMMA: If ________________ (you/love) me, _________________ (you/not/leave) me here all alone on my birthday

viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017


Exercise 2a, page 9 from the worbook

sábado, 28 de octubre de 2017

Writing for AVANZADO2

Write an email telling an anecdote from your childhood or from a relative/friend
  • Include details about personality
  • Include resources to make it more lively and vivid: CAPITAL LETTERS, exclamations, exaggerations, etc
Write about 150 words


Write an informal email introducing yourself to a penfriend (110-140)

Provide information about:
  • Your interests and hobbies: likes and dislikes
  • Personality
  • Why you are learning English
Don't forget to add: sender, subject, opening and closing remarks

viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017


Exercises 1, 3, 4, 5 from workbook, page 10

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017


lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

HOMEWORK for Intermedio1:

WORKBOOK, Page 10, exercises 1, 2 and 3